Lead Security Advisor

Beth is a seasoned GRC professional, having spent the last 12 years perfecting (or near-perfecting)  the art of compliance within organizations, both large and small. Beth found her passion for startups back in 2019 when she became the Compliance Manager for a tech startup and she hasn’t looked back since. Building out compliance programs from the ground up and getting people within an organization to adopt a security mindset are two passions that she has spent years cultivating. 

Beth has significant experience with SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and FedRAMP. She loves a good risk assessment discussion, and even once had an auditor tell her that the risk registry she put together was so good, it made her cry. The other security compliance passion Beth has are incident response tabletop exercises. She has applied the knowledge she’s learned over the years, and has now successfully conducted several exercises that were not only productive, but several of the participants asked to be in subsequent exercises because they had so much fun. 

Outside of work, Beth keeps busy with two young daughters, a husband, and two high-energy dogs (walking is a daily activity). Besides walking, Beth has developed a fondness for exercise and recently started tennis lessons. A life-long learner of cooking and baking, Beth relaxes by cooking new dishes and baking 1000+ cookies during the holiday season.